Comment Letter Test Page CSA Notice and Request for Comment – Proposed Amendments and Proposed Changes to Implement an Access-Based Model for Investment Fund Reporting Issuers Step 1 of 2 50% Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City Province AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Postal Code Are you commenting on behalf of an organization?(Required) Yes No Organization NameConsent Please keep my identity anonymous. Are you replacing a previous letter?(Required) Yes No 1. Standing instructions to receive electronic copiesUnder subsection 5.3(4) of the proposed amendments to NI 81-106, a Securityholder can provide standing instructions in order to receive an electronic copy of a designated document that is filed by the investment fund. These instructions will apply to the next designated document filed by the investment fund and continue to apply until the standing instructions are changed by the Securityholder. We are of the view that the cost of complying with this requirement is de minimis while the benefits to Securityholders of being able to provide standing instructions to receive electronic copies is significant. Do you agree? Please explain.2. Standing instructions to receive paper copiesUnder subsection 5.3(2) of the proposed amendments to NI 81-106, a Securityholder can provide standing instructions in order to receive a paper copy of a designated document that is filed by the investment fund. These instructions will apply to the next designated document filed and continue to apply until the standing instructions are changed by the Securityholder. While the costs of complying with this requirement may be greater than the costs for the delivery of electronic copies, we are of the view that these costs are outweighed by the benefits to Securityholders being able to provide standing instructions to receive paper copies. Do you agree? Please explain.3. Notification methodsUnder subsection 5.4(1) of the proposed amendments to NI 81-106, an investment fund would be required to file a news release and to post that news release on its designated website, indicating that the designated document is available electronically and that a paper or electronic copy can be obtained upon request.3a) Would this be an effective way to notify Securityholders that designated documents are available? If not, please explain why.3a) Would this be an effective way to notify Securityholders that designated documents are available? If not, please explain why.3b) Should the news release or the designated website include any information other than the information required in subsection 5.4(2) of the proposed amendments to NI 81-106?3b) Should the news release or the designated website include any information other than the information required in subsection 5.4(2) of the proposed amendments to NI 81-106?3c) Are there any alternative ways of notifying Securityholders we should consider that would be effective and practical? Please provide specific details on how to implement your proposal, along with an outline of the costs and benefits of your suggested approach. Are there any obstacles to using your suggested approach? For example, if you propose notification by email, how would an investment fund obtain a Securityholder's email address? What should be the outcome if the Securityholder does not keep their email address updated or does not provide consent to receiving these communications by email?3c) Are there any alternative ways of notifying Securityholders we should consider that would be effective and practical? Please provide specific details on how to implement your proposal, along with an outline of the costs and benefits of your suggested approach. Are there any obstacles to using your suggested approach? For example, if you propose notification by email, how would an investment fund obtain a Securityholder’s email address? What should be the outcome if the Securityholder does not keep their email address updated or does not provide consent to receiving these communications by email?4. Designated websitesThe effectiveness of the Proposed Amendments depends in part on whether investors will be able to easily find and retrieve the designated documents that they are interested in on a fund’s designated website. Subsection 11.1(5) of 81-106CP provides that a designated website should be designed in a manner that allows an individual investor with a reasonable level of technological skill and knowledge to easily access, read and search the information and the documents posted on the website, and download and print the documents. 4a) Is this guidance sufficient? Are there additional best practices beyond the guidance in Part 11 of 81-106CP that should be highlighted?4b) Alternatively, should the CSA establish specific requirements for the posting and maintenance of any regulatory document on a designated website in order to create more consistency and comparability in terms of investor experience in accessing these documents? In responding, please specify the additional guidance or specific presentation requirements that we should consider and outline the reason for your preferred approach. Where possible, please also outline if there are any significant cost or benefit differences between these two approaches.4b) Alternatively, should the CSA establish specific requirements for the posting and maintenance of any regulatory document on a designated website in order to create more consistency and comparability in terms of investor experience in accessing these documents? In responding, please specify the additional guidance or specific presentation requirements that we should consider and outline the reason for your preferred approach. Where possible, please also outline if there are any significant cost or benefit differences between these two approaches.5. No further broadening of access-based model5a) Do you agree with our views about the delivery requirements for each type of document described above? Please justify your response with reference to the costs and benefits of an access-based model for each type of document.5b) If you think the CSA should adopt an access-based model for a specific type of document, please describe the model and explain how that approach would be beneficial to funds, dealers and investors.5b) If you think the CSA should adopt an access-based model for a specific type of document, please describe the model and explain how that approach would be beneficial to funds, dealers and investors.5c) Are there alternative ways, other than adopting an access-based model, to improve or modernize the current delivery requirements for investment fund documents other than designated documents? For example, does securities legislation impose any impediments to greater adoption of electronic delivery? Could the methods of electronic delivery be modernized? If so, please describe any methods, provide the reasons why those methods are an improvement and explain what regulatory changes would be required to use any proposed method5c) Are there alternative ways, other than adopting an access-based model, to improve or modernize the current delivery requirements for investment fund documents other than designated documents? For example, does securities legislation impose any impediments to greater adoption of electronic delivery? Could the methods of electronic delivery be modernized? If so, please describe any methods, provide the reasons why those methods are an improvement and explain what regulatory changes would be required to use any proposed methodGeneral CommentsUpload your letter or supplemental information (not required):Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, Max. file size: 128 MB.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Share: Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Twitter